Monday, October 1, 2012

5 Tips for Facebook Ads amazing success

Facebook Ads are one of the most popular and low cost to promote a line of small businesses. A study by BIA / Kelsey LCM, 48 percent of SMEs (small and medium enterprises) are using Facebook to advertise or promote their business. Forty percent said they have a Facebook page just for your business.

 1. Know your goals and plan around them The first step is understanding what you want to achieve. Some of the objectives could include looking to create awareness of your company or brand, and drive traffic to your website. Sales promotion of a specific event or the generation of other common goals. To create awareness and grow your fan base (which people "like" page), there market standard ads. The ads point to your Facebook page and allows users to "like" the page using the link on the right as in the ad. You can also try a "page as" sponsored history, where the ad shows the friends I have enjoyed your page. You can even target people who are friends of the people who "like" the page, creating a social context, which makes people more likely to remember the ad content. When you want to promote a particular position on the page, as a special or important news, you can also use "Page" sponsored stories to make your message in a news article. Sponsored Stories Facebook is a tool that promotes latest marketing word of mouth recommendations about your business that are happening in the News Feed. You can sponsor stories about people checking in your business or "taste" of your page. Measure success by the social media metrics. The clickthrough rate (CTR) is an important measure to track, but from the CTR through Facebook ads is only 0.05%, which is half the industry standard of 0.1%. Goals lead to increase in comments, likes, impressions and active users. Facebook has hundreds of reports that can be used to analyze the results and use them for maximum results.

 2. Targeting your ads By placing your ad in Facebook, the shape makes it easy to select the demographic profile of your target audience. It has the additional feature of the ability to target very specific audiences. In this case, less is more. Best results are achieved by having fewer people very specific, rather than having a large number of people who are not interested. Gaining smaller, but very specific audience, even at the risk of reducing the size of your audience may be more effective. Say you want to promote an event in your business. It would be more effective to target people who are already fans of your page, they may be more likely to respond to aa local supply. Also for people by location, you may want to use the names of local businesses and clubs in schools popular Ad Manager to find people who do not put your city and zip code in their profiles.

 3. Choose Text and images that capture the attention When designing your ad, you have up to 135 characters, but some of the most effective ads do not use the entire character limit. Use the small ads and concise, which speaks directly to the public it will arrive. Special or unique features that differentiate it from competition, are also effective. Facebook suggests using the name of the company in the ad title or somewhere in the body of the announcement. A simple line can be the main attraction. It may be in the form of a question or make a bold statement or odd. Remember to include something that encourages users to click on your ad and tells users exactly what you expect them to do when they reach your landing page. An image that will appeal to a person for your ad is recommended. Logos, in this case may not be the best way to go. Since the photos are small, use something unusual or a shot in front of people. Smiling women tend to generate a high click rate. Experts recommend trying natural photos with colors that contrast with the blue color scheme of Facebook, such as red, yellow and orange.

 4. The use and far more ads Create multiple versions of your ad and test them to see which ad gets the best answer. Once an ad has been created, you have the option to "Create a similar ad," through the Facebook interface, and put in a new image or text. Experts recommend the creation of four different ads for the same campaign. Run every advertisement for a day or two and then see their ads on Facebook statistics to see what made everything possible. You can then create a new ad that is similar to an announcement by the best, with some minor changes to see if it improves the performance of the ads. Since these ads toured constantly, change the ads to your specific target audience is not disinterested. Also, keep top-performing ads and create new ad groups with the ad text and related images. This will reduce your costs because your ad group has a higher CTR (Click Through Rate). Facebook has hundreds of reports available, it is convenient to use them.

 5. Be prepared to make the most of your traffic Keep your Facebook wall fresh and updated. Old content, as the Wall was last updated in weeks or months, will make people lose interest. Give a reward for your visit so keep coming back. Most people do not click through your Facebook page, but click on "similar" to the right in the ad. Has new status updates or special offers or events available to monitor the content of your ads, and people coming back. The click is obtained is not the end result is the beginning of the presentation of its campaign to your audience. When someone likes the page, now has his consent to discuss and update again and again. Endless opportunities to keep them interested may be new content, offers, coupons and events permanently.

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